A joint venture between the Civic Trust and New Economics Foundation (NEF), BizFizz supported entrepreneurs from within their own communities, particularly in those experiencing economic disadvantage. It highlighted the powerful role that enterprise can play in regeneration when supported by the wider community and made use of local panels of business people to provide support to the coaches and their clients.

Creating the Conditions
BizFizz was a strong example of how communities were able to shape the support available to local entrepreneurs. BizFizz was one of several models offered to local host organisations in Bradford, selected by most as it enabled local voices to influence the project. Click to read more about ‘Creating the Conditions’
“BizFizz gives you what you need when other advisors just give you the same information they give everyone who comes through their door”
(BizFizz Client).
BizFizz placed coaches within community host organisations rather than centrally, eschewing marketing and deliberately avoided all forms of promotion except word-of-mouth. The approach valued relationships by building teams of support around entrepreneurs, believing that the key to business success is who you know rather than simply what you know.
BizFizz refused to be bound by government targets, preferring to see and mobilise hidden assets that economists and policy-makers rarely recognise.
The BizFizz story is about what can happen when official targets and institutional bias are put aside; when support agencies take a coaching approach that focuses support on individual clients, building credibility to enable people to follow their passion.
“BizFizz gives you what you need when other advisors just give you the same information they give everyone who comes through their door”
(BizFizz Client).