The inputs described here are essential for the effective mobilisation and delivery of the model – without them we know that good quality, local business support can be short lived and vulnerable to changes in funding and policy.
Local intelligence
Making best use of the experience, strengths and assets of local actors should be a primary aim when designing support programmes, as they already have reach and trust within their local communities, and fully understand the barriers to participation.
Maximise existing social capital by working with what’s already there, building on the experience and local knowledge or people who truly care about the success of the communities they live and work in. Funding and physical delivery space needs to be accessible and available to all.
Regular reflection
Enable constructive dialogue and ongoing improvement by building in time and resource to regularly review and improve the ecosystem, with flexibility in terms of providers being able to adapt ways of working based on emerging evidence.
Capacity support
Commissioners and funders should aim to include an element of external capacity support to local organisations, which is not tied directly to outputs, and enables local organisations to contribute to the longer term development of the ecosystem

Shared outcomes and resources encourage meaningful collaboration, constructive reflection and collective celebration of success
Building in time for reflection and funding for capacity support yields greater, more sustainable outcomes than traditional ‘value for money’ payment for results models
Foundation (Local conditions)
Previous or current footprint of support for social purpose businesses and relational support approaches, which can be revitalised or expanded
Commissioners and funders understand and want to make use of the unique strengths of local actors who are rooted in their places
Continuous learning is built into programmes, investing in skills development for support providers and beneficiaries through training and access to shared resources